Reviews from

A Son's Birthday Remembered

I thought I always appreciated life

28 total reviews 
Comment from jshep
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well written, beautiful in free verse, and a story that wrenches the heart of every mother, and reminds me, Ronni, how blessed I am with my two sons and daughter, and how fragile life is. Congratulations on your nomination and in you ability to express such a heart-breaking story of a mother's loss, which never can be replaced by anything. You built up the poem beautifully to allow for the full impact of your loss. Extremely well done. Joyce

 Comment Written 17-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2010
    Thank you Joyce, for your most uplifting and empathetic review,
    so sincerely appreciated. I am deeply touched by your kind and
    caring comments and compliments on the poem. Took some doing to
    write. Actually lost 2 son's to Iraq War; first wrote about it
    in a post on FS entitled, "I Remember" which is still in my
    Portfolio, that included both of them. I wrote it to try to
    help another mom on here who lost a son in war, and was not
    coping with it very well. I think it helped us both.
    You have yourself been through a lot of challenges, and dealt
    with them so courageously and inspiringly; and I am in sheer
    awe of your strength, resolve and resiliance; and pray for you
    every day too. God bless you for your caring message and
    encouragement for me here.
Comment from patmedium
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ronni... this is a wonderful eulogy you sing to your precious son. May I thank you for having the bravery to write this so soon and also for sharing it with us here at FS. Pat.

 Comment Written 17-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2010
    Thank you Pat, for your lovely review, sincerely appreciated.
    It sooner or later had to be put in writing, and finally did.
    If it helps others, I am glad. So appreciate your kind comments
    and thoughts too. God Bless.
reply by patmedium on 17-Feb-2010
    God bless you, too. Goodnight. Pat.
Comment from jeslaf
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You pulled the rug right out from under me at the end--I had no idea the ending, but then--neither did you--nor do any of us as mothers, fathers. This is a moving tribute to your son, but more than that, to your undying love for him. That is eternal, as he is. :)

 Comment Written 17-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2010
    Thank you jeslaf, for your very endearing and encouraging review.
    Sincerely appreciate all your kindness and empathy in your
    thoughts and comments. I know you have been throug a lot
    yourself; and such an inspiration of courage and strength too.
    God Bless you.
reply by jeslaf on 17-Feb-2010
    Thanks, but I think you're thinking of jshep/Joyce, who is battling cancer. We are often confused. :)
reply by the author on 17-Feb-2010
    Again, my apologies for the confusion, I
    am makeing a note to put on my computer
    to try and keep it straight. Again, thank
    you for all your heartfelt sympathies and
    caring thoughts.
Comment from jason456
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

How my heart breaks for you as I read this beautiful poem. To lose a child at any age has to be the worst thing in the world to endure. God bless you just for being able to get through writing this wonderful tribute to your son.
Patti :)

 Comment Written 17-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2010
    Thank you Patti, for your empathetic review, and your caring
    comments and thoughts. Very sincerely appreciated. God Bless
    you too, for your thoughtfulness.
reply by jason456 on 18-Feb-2010
    Reviewing this was my pleasure. Patti :)
Comment from Margaret Snowdon
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, how sad is this --
your words so touching
and heartfelt as you
speak of the loss of a
beloved son - every mother's
fear. My heart and prayers
go out to you, Ronni.


 Comment Written 17-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2010
    Thank you Margaret, for your very empathetic review. Actually,
    I lost 2 son's; 1 year apart; to Iraq war. This poem was on
    my oldest son's Birthday remembrance. I appreciate your kind
    thoughts and prayers. God Bless you too.
reply by Margaret Snowdon on 17-Feb-2010
    Oh, Ronni - what a terrible tragedy, my friend. We don't expect to outlive our
    children --- life can be so cruel. Margaret.
Comment from Eternal Muse
This work has reached the exceptional level

My dearest Ronni,

I have tears in my eyes after reading this beautiful and heartfelt tribute to your son. Your birthday wish to him has such fantastic visuals, it is if you are giving him a dozen roses. He was a wonderful young man, strong, intelligent, brave, tender and respectful; and you should be very proud. I can see in your words how proud you were of him; and now the whole country shares your pride. He gave his life so that you and I lived in peace. He is a hero and a testimony to why our country is so strong.

Loved these:

Too soon, you really were a young man
with a future ahead and a duty you chose
while I trembled; you beamed with pride
you were so sure; I, all the more afraid
softly you whispered so assuredly;
"It's because I love you mom,that I choose to go;
don't'll always be with me mom;
wherever I go"

He lives on, in your heart and mine, in the hearts of American people who have better lives because of your little boy.

A wonderful poem; and I share in the birthday wish for him; thank you for writing this, Ronni, you are a wonderful mother.

Love and blessings, Yelena

 Comment Written 11-Jan-2010

reply by the author on 12-Jan-2010
    OMG Yelena...your review just astounded me beyond words, and
    no less tears too. I am truly touched you read it and conveyed
    such tender , loving and encouraging thoughts. I had never ever
    written a Birtday poem for either one before. Somhow, after
    your and Sweet Linda's seperate tributes recently, this wrote
    itself, as if "guided"...was not planned or prewritten, just
    wrote it down as it came. Surely it was a combined empathy
    and appreications expressed, and a kind of "thank you" nudge from
    him to console and celebrate gratitude and love more than grief.
    Again, thank you so much for your heartfelt comments and
    compliments. You are a truly endeared and precious friend.
    Love, Ronni P.S. Thanks too, for the extra star, I am overwhelmed...and ever grateful! God Bless you.
Comment from jlivory
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


This is beautiful and a tender tribute to your son. I am sorry for your loss, but I know God has something even better for him. This is a wonderful piece of work and the artwork goes well with it.

 Comment Written 11-Jan-2010

reply by the author on 11-Jan-2010
    Thank you for your warm and kind review. Sincerely appreciated.
    So glad you stopped by to read and offer your caring thoughts
    and comments too. God Bless!
Comment from Charlene0513
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

To Ronni,
A poem addressing the reality of life and the price that our troops pay as they go forth to protect and give of themselves so unselfishly.

 Comment Written 11-Jan-2010

reply by the author on 11-Jan-2010
    Thank you Charlene, for your kind and sincere review. Greatly
    appreciated. Sad reality indeed, apprciate your thoughts too.
Comment from tonydem
This work has reached the exceptional level

Ronni, this is a beautiful tribute to a brave brave man. I have 3 boys and I couldn't imagine the pain that you have endeared since the day you found out. I'm sure he's looking down from heaven with a big smile and somehow will send a sign that, "hey it's alright Mom."

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2010

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2010
    I know that Tony, dear friend. I had never written a birthday
    tribute before, this one just came and wrote itself as if
    "guided" so I just went with it. I know that is his message,
    and maybe why the impetus to write it out came to be. So
    appreciate all your kind thoughts and sincere empathy.
Comment from AnnaLinda
This work has reached the exceptional level


This poem is exceptional in every way. It is so very touching and you have conveyed many of your cherished memories and celebrations of his life so well in this free verse poem. It really brings on the tears. You have not focused only on his death, but on his life, yet you applaud him for his brave service to this country and you remember him and celebrate him and honor him still...never forgotten. Maybe this is why you were on my heart. Is the 8th his birthday? That is my mom's birthday.

Ronni, Evan will be 23 on the 17th and I can not imagine what you have gone through and what you must feel. god bless you.


 Comment Written 10-Jan-2010

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2010
    Thank you Linda, dear friend. Yes, 8th is his Birtday, and I
    appreciate all your endearing thoughts and empathies. This was
    so strange, I had never ever written a Birthday tribute before,
    but this just came and wrote itself as if "guided"...I think
    you can better understand that than most; so I went with it,
    just the way it came out. I had not anything pre-written or
    pre-planned. It just would not let go till I got it down in
    writing; so I just obliged. Actually, more than grieving,
    as this may come accross predominantly, it was really a
    consoling experience, more peace and calm now, than any
    anguish or trauma anymore. I am fine, I assure you, and I
    know they both are too. Again, thank you for such loving
    supporte and encouragement, you are ever such a precious friend!
    God bless you and your wonderful son's always! Love, Ronni
reply by AnnaLinda on 10-Jan-2010
    My pleasure Ronni! I am glad that writing this brought you greater healing. I was not getting bad about you, just was thinking about you. This is a very special poem on many levels.
