- The Hoboby JLR
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Material things isn't what provides a happy life
Heart Cafted Poems - 2020
: The Hobo by JLR

... This is the day I go away,
my only bag is by my side
a pair of shoes had made me sway
but toes inside my shoes had died.
holes in the soles repaired with glue
A hand-me-down shirt I just loved
Jeans so torn the/ patches/ are worn

do not think I am feeling unloved
the clothes on my back are not rags
one thing for sure, I am quite glad
a change of wears has a new tag
I think it best, be glad ... than mad.
up there ... a spot I sought for years
by a stream with lots of days that shine

the oak full of leaves every year
a roll of twine and bent wire, my fishline,
all that is needed to make a hook
for the daily fresh catch, I will cook.


Author Notes
My continuing effort to practice iambic meter

the poem is in rhymic pattern as follows: abab, cdcd, efef, ghgh, ii

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