- If Only I Could. . .by Commando
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An Angel of God!
If Only I Could. . . by Commando
    ~~~FREE VERSE~~~ Contest Winner 

Dedicated to my Wife for Valentine's Day 2020!
Artwork by helvi2 at

~Dedicated to An Angel of God, my Wife~


If Only I Could. . .

"If I could, I would catch shooting stars from the heavens in jars
so you could gaze upon them every day, then replay the yesterdays.
I would cut a bouquet of a thousand dandelion heads from their beds
so you may have a thousand wishes come true each day. I would
spin thin threads of moonlight from God to make you starry wings.

I would gather wildflowers from a meadow, while we enjoy life 
together, then make you dainty crowns to wear round and astound.
I would ask the wind--to once again, whisper the secrets we
once shared the next time it blew your way. For a day I'd make
the world stop spinning--as in the beginning, so you could watch
the beautiful sunset for one moment longer, become stronger,
then fly on your angel wings to me.

I would ask a cartographer to draw a map to keep in my lap so I
could find my way to you. So one day when you hear the wind say, 
'I'm waiting,' you will spread your wings in the early spring, then
join me. Then on that Holy day--in a gentle way, I can hold
 you again in my arms--void of harm, and whisper the words,
'I Love You'. . . If only I could--

*W. Isaac Bishop*
Written January 8, 2020 

Writing Prompt
1.  Name of author will be displayed,
2. Dedication and title may be included with text of poem. They do NOT count towards number of lines allowed.
3. Author may sign and date poem and add a personal message at bottom--does NOT count towards number of lines allowed--up to 3 lines may be added.
4.  LENGTH--minimum length 10 lines / maximum length 20 lines
5.  ONE picture above text of poem
6.  ONE color font with ONE color background /  FONT choice MUST come from what is available on Advanced Editor on FanStory (no outside sources)
7.  NO animations, videos, words in picture, or music
8. Author notes allowed
9.  TOPIC (subject) of poem MUST be a real person (may be alive or deceased)--No animals/do NOT choose a FS member who has died--do NOT choose God/Jesus as topic either
10. Category--Romance (love poem)
11. NO end rhyme pattern
12. Absolutely NO warnings of ANY kind will be accepted--Keep it clean  
Contest Winner


Author Notes
Some say, "Nothing you love is lost;" yet, I say, "Walk a mile in my shoes." Most things always go away, sooner or later. You can't hold 'em, any more than you can hold moonlight. But if they have touched you, if they are inside you, then they are still yours. The only things you ever really have are the ones you hold inside your heart. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a teardrop. As always, thanks for reading my work. Best wishes, Happy Valentine's Day, and God Bless. A "Salute" to helvi2 at for the awesome artwork.


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