While wanting to place trust in Logan, McKenzie searches for his sister's murderer. McKenzie doesn't believe anyone would harm her, but Logan feels it's his job to protect her from the threat.
It's Wednesday evening. McKenzie and Logan have known each other 8 days. LOL
Ending of Previous Post:
"Nobody knew we were going except the three of us, Bill, and Mitch." McKenzie took out her phone and called Bill again. "Can you get a hold of a bug detector? I think my home's been bugged." She proceeded to explain why she thought that. After she listened for a while she added, "The house is vacant when we take the dogs for a run." Again, she listened. "Logan got a backpack for Arlo, so he goes too." Silence. "Thank you, Bill. I'll let you know when we leave."
Logan's eyebrows rose. "Well?"
"He'll bring one by when we get home. Having my house bugged would explain how Parks is always one step ahead of us."
McKenzie took a slow drink of water. "Joshua Davis." She tilted her head and paused. "We never really questioned him about anything that happened on the Sunday Donnie disappeared. Did he have any visitors? If so, who? How long were they there? Did they leave together? We need to do a background check on him." She took out her phone and called Mitch. After she discussed what she wanted, she continued, "Logan and I will talk with him tomorrow."
The couple walked up the sidewalk as McKenzie said, "I had fun tonight. We need to do this more often."
Logan touched his lips. "I agree. I could..."
"Don't even go there," interrupted McKenzie. "I never should have kissed you. I'm sorry."
He winked. "I'm not complaining."
At the door, McKenzie inserted the key.
Logan reached across and opened it, but paused, faced her, and kissed her. "Now we're even."
When she gulped, he grinned, and then she touched her lips. "You planned that, didn't you?"
"Not really, it just happened."
Bill walked up behind them. "Are you two going inside or necking on the front porch all night?"
With her hands on her hips, McKenzie said, "We are NOT necking."
"Could've fooled me," teased Bill.
"Logan, explain to him what happened."
"I enjoyed it, myself."
"Thanks for nothing." McKenzie put her finger to her lips and whispered, "Did you bring it? Did Parks go straight home?"
Bill raised the Wireless Signal Detector Wand. He pointed to the vibrate button and whispered, "Use this." He held his breath for a moment. "No, he didn't. He met some buddies at a bar."
"So much for going home to a nice family dinner." McKenzie stepped inside. "Let's do this."
First they walked into the makeshift den, and it started vibrating. McKenzie moved the device until it indicated exactly where the bug was located. Logan searched the area until he found it and removed it. They did the same in the living room and kitchen. They found a device hidden in each room. Finally, they went upstairs to the bedroom and the bathroom. A device was found in the bedroom.
Logan took the four devices and went outside. Bill and McKenzie re-scanned the house to make sure every one was found. Two more were found.
McKenzie took them outside and handed them to Logan. Again, they repeated the scan. No more devices were found.
Still in the house, Bill handed McKenzie the wand. "Keep this in a safe place until this is over. They may try it again. I'm taking the bugs with me and locking them in my safe. They'll be great evidence. We'll check for fingerprints and see where and who bought them." He hugged McKenzie. "Stay safe."
"I will. You be safe going home. Parks is out to get all of us."
"I know." Bill walked outside and took the six devices from Logan. Logan watched until Bill drove away.
When Logan walked back inside, he saw McKenzie sitting on the couch. She looked up at him. "Logan, what's wrong?"
"I have a bad feeling. Something isn't right."
"Like what?"
"I don't know." He moved Arlo aside and sat beside her. "How you doing?"
"Lousy. Every discussion we've had has been over heard. I've shared some private thoughts with you. Now, everybody knows them. They're public knowledge."
Logan took her hand and caressed it. "I doubt they've gone public, but you're right they weren't kept private. I doubt Parks found them very interesting."
"You're probably right, but I feel violated. McKenzie stood. "I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Maybe things will look better tomorrow. See you then."
"Good night." He paused. "I was going to take the dogs for a run at first light, but I'm worried about going. You'll be left alone, sleeping."
"I'll be fine. There's an entire police force outside." She walked toward the stairs.
"Wait." Logan paused until she turned. "When I leave, I'll have a couple of guys come in. I didn't want you to be scared if you came downstairs and saw two strange men in your house." He grinned. "It might not be safe for them."
"You're right. It wouldn't. Good night."
McKenzie went through her nighttime routine and put on the over-sized T-shirt she slept in. As she lay in bed, she heard walking downstairs. Logan must be having problems settling down. I wonder what's bothering him. She rolled over. He's probably still hurting over his sister's death. I know I would. Then add all the additional problems we're having. No wonder he can't sleep.
A few hours later, McKenzie woke up and listened. She still heard footstep coming from downstairs. Logan, hasn't fallen asleep, yet. That's strange. I'd better check.
She walked partway downstairs. "Logan, are you all right? What's wrong?"
He glanced at her. "Why aren't you asleep?"
"You're pacing."
"I know but I'm not making that much noise."
She continued down the stairs. "I'm worried about you." She put her hand on his arm. "What's bothering you?"
"I can't shake the feeling that something bad has or will happen." He studied her hand touching him. "There's no sense in us both going without sleep. Go on to bed." He gave her a quick hug. "Good night. When you don't get sleep, you're grumpy in the morning," he teased. He watched her walk toward the stairs and sighed.
Before McKenzie got to the top of the stairs, somebody knocked on the door. She turned. "Logan, this can't be good."
"I'll get it. Go back upstairs."
He drew his weapon. "Mitch? What are you doing here?" He paused. "What's happened?" He put his gun away.
Mitch walked inside. "Nobody's hurt, but Bill's car exploded."
"NO!" screamed McKenzie as the tears streamed down her cheeks and she ran down the stairs.
Mitch waited for her to join them. "Joanie needed him to stop at a drug store on the way home. While inside, the car blew up. If he wouldn't have stopped, ..."
Logan took her in his arms.
McKenzie 'Mac' Morgan a 27 year old private investigator
Major Logan Nelson 34 years old and an active duty soldier
Arlo McKenzie's black and tan dachshund
Megan Nelson Logan's younger sister - murdered
The Lou local name for St. Louis
Simon Knight and Sheila Logan's former Army buddy and a Lab technician. Sheila's his wife.
Fan name for the St. Louis Cardinals - a major league
baseball team.
Yadi What Cardinal fans call Tadier Molina - Cardinal's all-star catcher.
Edger McKenzie's black and tan rottweiler
John Benson Man who murdered McKenzie's parents
Bill Abbot A D.A and McKenzie's God-Father; he was a high-
school friend of McKenzie's father. Joanie is his wife.
Jose Lopez his wife is Lucy Chicago Police Department undercover police
Kate Hartford Megan Nelson's friend they taught middle school
Donny Carlton A man Megan Nelson dated.
Mitch Gardner St. Louis Police Department detective who has
partnered with McKenzie's dad.
Ivan Smart A bad guy
Peter and Nancy Nelson Logan's parents
Sidney Parks works for the St. Louis Police Detective with the drug unit.
Mack and Helen Morgan McKenzie's parents - both deceased
Gus Piper McKenzie's abusive grandfather - deceased
Austin Bryant an old boyfriend - McKenzie broke up with him because he's a jerk.
Joshua Davis so far a nobody, but is a neighbor to Donny Carlton
Mark Young an acquaintance of McKenzie, a state trooper, and will become important much later in the novel
Author Notes
Thank you google imagines of a photo to show how small a listening device can be. I really appreciate your help. This post is a little under 1000 words. I hope you don't mind the length. Logan and McKenzie continue their search for Megan's murder as they get closer to becoming a couple.
Thank you for your generous support.