- Love Letter on a Clipboard #4by Sally Law
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Response To My Secret Admirer #3
Love Letter on a Clipboard #4 by Sally Law

Finally, mutually, and completely, they released all doubts, abandoned all fears, unwilling and unable to deny this overpowering love. - Emery Lee

Dearest woman in my world,

How can I resist your unconditional love? For only one reason, and one reason alone. Your recent letter pierced me through and through, striking deep into the heart of me.

Yes, I have had overwhelming circumstances; but only one thing keeps me from you at this time. It is not a selfish thing; it is because I love you so much that I hesitate.

I want you to have a wonderful life, adding love, marriage, and children to your rewarding career. I've overheard you speak of your desires for these things, and watched how you've waited patiently for them. I can say without hesitation, I want these wonderful things with you, Kristin Spencer, so badly that I cry to God in prayer.

I was married for two years to a woman so unlike you. I'm not sure how she tricked me, and I guess I've learned the hard way. She loved my looks, money, advancing career, and family name, but not the real me. Most of all, she wanted a baby, and left me lightning fast as soon as the fertility clinic confirmed my diagnosis. I came home from work one day; and she was gone--the entire contents of our home's valuables wiped clean. I tried to reason with her, but she said she was in love with someone else and was already pregnant with his child.  She demanded a divorce, so I let her go.

Not long after that, she died in a tragic car accident; and I learned then, she was never pregnant. The stinging news added to my deep hurt and shame. 

My heart was closed off for years, until one day, this sweet young lady smiled and offered me a magazine assortment in the waiting room. I have never forgotten her, nor will I ever.

I offer you my wordly possessions, my whole self, and my love, forever.   

But, I'm not sure if we would be able to have biological children, Kristin, and this concerns me. I am willing to adopt and have the money to do so. I want to give you all the happiness you deserve.

Only one thing remains, and it is this: Will you have me? Will you take this broken, imperfect man--just as I am? Yours is the only love I desire, and that is all I ask of you. 

From Shakespeare's ~ The Tempest:  
"I would not wish for any companion in this world but you."

You're all I see, all that I want, and all that I love, Kristin.

Take your time and think through your response. I am hopeful, as you have declared your mutual love and acceptance of me without knowing my life story. Now you know my deepest sorrows, fears, and longings.

I came by your hospital room and left you a painting, and, of course, a box of chocolates. You were asleep, so I didn't disturb you. Your hospitalist told me your back surgery went well, and she sent me the order for your physical therapy. I look forward to being one of your many therapists.

I've enclosed my cellphone number and email address. Contact me anytime. I'll see you tomorrow, bright and early. We serve real caffeinated organic coffee all morning in PT. You're going to need it. 

All my love, your (not-so-secret) admirer,
Dr. Will Lewis, Resident Physician of Physiotherapy

Southside Baptist Hospital

PS~ A song for you. My parents loved this song. My dad is Captain Lewis, your cranky patient. We both adore you, by the way, and so does my dog, Max. (I showed him your photo from the hospital website.)


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