Down and out depression did tout
Human love pushed away
Sick at heart, lost life about
Kelly made my day
Crippled I was, scarred for life
Kelly filled me with her love
As I grew, I left my strife
Blue waters calling from above
Constant companion she gave
Unconditional love every day
Made me laugh, I her slave
Kelly, strong, prone to play
Never a thought for herself
Beautiful heart beating for two
By my side she gave her wealth
Kelly, lover of mine, true blue
Author Notes
Contest entry for Love Poem. When I came out of hospital after having my leg amputated. I was lost and very depressed. One day Kelly came along, licked my face and the friendship and love became a bond that lasted for thirteen years. She never left me, knew when I was down, lifted me up. Every day we both would swim in my pool and so I regained my strength and resignation to live again. Thanks for reading.