The Lemon
Fade In:
CINDY speaking out loud.
"The lemon was is in the air
The breeze so warm and arms that care
Wonderful thoughts to unfold
Permeating secrets of my soul."
TOM approaching from CINDY
"How deep is this wondrous sight?
Of boundless branches and great delight
Hearts entwined in one mind
Exploring love with little guide."
"A tender moment should not be denied
Love so warming could not be disqualified
Nature's symphony romancing the moment
Lemon's song of words unspoken."
Takes Cindy into his arms gives her a passionate kiss.
Don't stop now I implore, let me drink from the fruit that is forbidden, even if just for a moment.
Do not stop, I gave it all, the long wait has got me horny.
Come I have a place for us to lie down and take in this time with great delight. Together we will make music, nature will be our witness.
Come let's go and drink from the lemon of forbidden fruit,
the sweet and sour of our love
The sweet and sour of our love is what gives flavor to our soul, drink up my love.
Writing Prompt |
Write an adult/erotic script that starts with the sentence, "The Lemon was..."
All entries must be in the form of a script and must contain at least two hundred words.
Ready, set, action!
The Lemon was... Contest Winner
Author Notes
Photo by Vitaly Urzhumov a young Russian surrealist painter.