Shoes are in such awesome roles
We wear them to protect our soles
So many types from which to choose
From flats, wedge heel, stiletto shoes
For some, shoes are like their muse
There's no one size shoe that fits all
It does not matter if you're tiny or tall
So many shoes of personal choice
Tell our personalities without a voice
Some more casual to which we relate
Others are kept for a hot sexy date
A few we bought but now we hate
There's no one size shoe that fits all
It does not matter if you're tiny or tall
Bunions, blisters, ingrowing nail
Point to poorly fitting shoes on sale
Impulse buy or vanity's the kind
Homeless wear shoes they can find
Whichever color they pay no mind
There's no one size shoe that fits all
It does not matter if you're tiny or tall
Prices from reasonable, up to absurd
From makers of which are little heard
Shoes were really just functional wear
Now designer shoes are everywhere
Bejeweled enough to make folks stare
There's no one size shoe that fits all
It does not matter if you're tiny or tall
Author Notes
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Sevenelle is a stanzaic invented form created by Virginia Noble .
TOPIC-- Please choose from these 2 for your potlatch poem:
1. Gates (not Bill Gates)
2. Shoes
�¢?? stanzaic, written in no LESS than 2 septets, EACH made up of a rhymed couplet, tercet and couplet IN THAT ORDER.
�¢?? metric, iambic tetrameter.
�¢?? rhymed, aabbbCC ddeeeCC etc. (the etc is if you write more than 2 verses--use same rhyme pattern).
�¢?? composed with L6 & L7 of the FIRST stanza REPEATED as refrain IN THE LAST 2 LINES OF ALL SUBSEQUENT STANZAS.