- A Wife Is Better Than a Neighbor by Deniz22
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a deepening relationship with God
A Wife Is Better Than a Neighbor by Deniz22

When I was a young man, my Dad told me the story of a married couple he knew many years ago.

It seems they tried, but simply could not get along.

After a while, the wife moved out and settled not far away.

Yet she still visited her former home from time to time, and would cook, clean and even do her husband's laundry.

All of this strange relationship was summed up by the husband in this way, "She wasn't much of a wife, but she's a great neighbor!"

I'm very afraid as Christians, we too are prone to settle for this type of warped relationship with Jesus our Lord.

We want to plateau in our spiritual growth and settle for being a "good neighbor" who helps out from time to time as needed, but still has his own interests and abode.

The Lord loves us fiercely, and He Himself desires the deepest of relationships with us!

James 4:5 reads; "Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, "The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously?"

As the Bride of Christ, we have been redeemed with His own precious blood, the only acceptable sacrifice for sin forever, in the sight of the Altogether Holy One.

We are called to pursue Him as He pursues us!

How shall we do this? By seeking God where He may always be His carefully.

IMPRECISON in spiritual understanding is NOT the gift of God which allows us to ignore whole sections of His revelation to His children.

The big sin of Christians, mother to all other sins, is not knowing the written Word of God.

So, we settle for spiritual syrup, like "Jesus Calling".

Jesus Himself said on numerous occasions regarding God's will: "IT IS WRITTEN".

It sometimes seems many of us have Bible phobia; we are afraid to venture into the deeper things of God, lest we be troubled by what we see.

Daniel was troubled, distraught even, but what he learned from God after all his distress, is invaluable to us in understanding prophecy.

We are called to struggle to grow in Christ, not just for our own benefit but for the good of others as well to the glory of God.

And we have Christ Himself as a model of these things. As God, He wrote the Bible, and as Man, He learned from it, to pass it on to us.

John 15:25: "No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for ALL things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you."

In this present Church Dispensation, as believers, we have an even higher spiritual position as the Bride of Christ, infilled by the Spirit.

With far more translations, copies of Scriptural revelation and study helps available than thousands had in past ages, we are without excuse for our Biblical ignorance.

Our country and our world suffer from the lack of true spiritual light emenating from God's Word.

The number one thing standing between us and increasing our knowledge of Jesus Christ is our lack of desire to know Him by the scriptures.

Here is God's PROMISE to ANYONE in this matter: "Turn at My rebuke and I will pour out My Spirit on you; I will make My words known to you."

Let us pursue Him in His own Book!


Author Notes
Turn at my rebuke;
Surely I will pour out my spirit on you;
I will make my words known to you.


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