- Lazy Snowby Treischel
This work has reached the exceptional level
A Faux Free Style
Animated Stills
: Lazy Snow by Treischel

You lazy snow
that's lounging on my deck.
Your shape has grown
from just
a crystal speck
such a walrus-like

I welcomed you
you were itty-bitty.

But now you seem to plan
an overstay.

I hear
more friends will soon be on their way,
as you occupy my back yard deck
my house thermometer,
I'll double-check.

For, like a lion,
March came stalking in,
where February's snows already been
to leave you
lying there in my deck chair.
while growing
thick and debonair.

soon there'll be warming sun,
I pray,
to take your chilly friends,
and you,

I'll watch,
as you so slowly
melt and shrink,
and by my window,
sit and sip my drink.

Author Notes
This visitor appeared during February, more snow expected this week. I measure about 2.5 feet in depth so far.

This poem is A Faux Free Style.
A Free Style poem is a type of Free Verse with rhyming, usually incidental. What makes this Faux Free Style, is that although I has the look of a Freed Verse poem, it actually has aabb rhyming, as well as iambic pentameter.

I took this picture today, 3/5/2019.


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