- Solipsism.[i]by Niyuta
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Metaphysical thoughta about mind and Soul(Self).
Random Reflections.
: Solipsism.[i] by Niyuta

Mind as I am known; I perceive
That is known to me and none other.
It exists in me but not in the minds
Of outsider’s; it’s my own domain.
What do I then interact with?
I know not, but do experience.
“Summum bonum” [ii]says Cicero.
I know not; yet omniscience I am.
Human mind; an organ or concept?
Sapients can’t find it in the physical form.
Yet claim: mind controls thoughts.
 I don't know that; yet omniscient I am.
All knowing but not participating I am.
Primordial Self’ the Vedanta describes,
‘Ruh,’ the Hebrews of Bible call.
 The Self, that participates not; yet I’m omnipresent.
‘Esse est percipi’[iii] says a Philosopher.
But about whom does he speak?
Not of me; I know he knows me not.
A riddle of an Oracle of Thebes indeed!

Author Notes
[i] Idea that only one's own mind is sure, knowledge of anything outside (external world) is doubtful. Source-Wikipedia.
[ii] A Latin Phrase meaning: "The highest (ultimate) good." First introduced by the Roman Philosopher-Cicero. Source Wikipedia.
[iii] A Latin phrase literary meaning-"To be, is to be perceived." George Berkley espoused this argument famous as 'Master Argument' about anything that a person perceives exist only in his or her mind. Source-Encyclopedia Britanica.


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