Tiny Snake,
soon slithErs silently.
By gyRating,
with its corPoreal being
movEs on
slowly aloNg the path.
The moTions are
and Named
Author Notes
In October, I was out walking and came across this baby Garter Snake upon the gravel path. It was only about 7 inches long. It left a serpentine impression in the sandy soil as it slithered alone.
This poem is a Joy Acrostic.
'Joy's Acrostic Variation', was invented by our own, Joy Graham. The rules are: A main word or phrase must be evident down the page in a centered fashion. You may waver the main word or phrase in a shape poetry style, but it must be readable.
She recommends using a larger font and different color just for the main word or phrase so it stands out. Your lines may be spaced across the main word or phrase, using each letter in your lines like an acrostic. It is up to the poet if they want to use rhymes or meter or not.
This picture was taken by the author himself on October 7, 2018.