- River Of Tarby way2gokevs
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What roads are made for to get from here to there
River Of Tar by way2gokevs
First Win-Poetry contest entry

The river of tar... an artery
A means to access the highways
Branching through capillaries of roads
Penetrating the Australian landscape

The river of tar weaves and wanders
Through cities, towns and villages
Along the coast, in the mountains
To the dessert land of the outback
The river of tar, provides the means
For a diverse population to live
A life blood for so many
Scattered through-out the land
The river of tar melds with the gravel
Reaching small towns away from the cities
Unites with the red dirt roads that access
Outback stations and desert communities
The river of tar makes it possible, to
Grow and harvest the food we need
To mine and export the minerals
The fruit and vegetables that grow abundantly
The river of tar provides an access
To the ports to harvest the sea
For the tourists to experience
Our great Australian diversity
The river of tar a grey nomads dream
Living a life of adventure before dementure
Experiencing the pioneering spirit
Keeping so many small towns alive
The river of tar we owe our for-bares
The explorers, the pioneers, now long gone
Blazed the many roads we see today
Enabling everyone to see our great land


Author Notes
A seasoned traveler I love touring with my ute and van through-out this great Island we call Australia. All roads lead somewhere for with-out them we would be going nowhere, except by walking or horse back. Thanks for viewing.


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