- Adriftby michaelcahill
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I Can't Contest
Adrift by michaelcahill
I Can't contest entry

I can't not never need nothing
can I not want nothing never too …

The sails are set
and the sea awaits
but the desert wind won't cooperate

I dance for rain in vain again
so here I'll float around the moat
of a sandcastle built for two

just me not you

you who can't never need me not

with wings a flight would solve my ills
these pills I'd spill into the drain
I'd bear the pain imagined
by my weakened craving brain

insane is not insane when you never
can't find a reason to not begin to grow
or know the purpose lost between
the moment when a dream becomes the day

I can't believe I never wasn't not enough for you

my ship has no anchor
it doesn't not need one never



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