- Being Watchedby Treischel
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A Symmetrina Poem
Animated Stills
: Being Watched by Treischel

With darkness drawing near in shadows, fears recalled
what Giants roamed these woods in days gone by.
I felt like I was being watched!
My senses burned, felt tracked by evil eye,
all while my racing heart was stalled, my skin soon crawled.

For there, beyond the turn, was spied large lurking form.
It seemed to be alive, like vigil guard.
I felt like I was being watched,
by something much too large to disregard --
this shaded silent presence, far beyond the norm.

Most disconcerting here, was shape's enormous size --
a house-size helmet, shading eyes widespread.
I felt like I was being watched,
by something like Goliath's severed head.
The eyeballs blinked, to my most mortified surprise.

Was rendered witless by this object on the ground.
The Book of Enoch said some "Watchers" came.
I felt like I was being watched!
This silent giant, possibly the same,
just may be ancient angel that is still around.

I felt like I was being watched!

Author Notes
I hope that you see the image here of a rock that looks to me like a helmeted head, inspiring this poem. If you see the eye sockets, then you can make out the nose and bearded face just peeking over a berm. What looks like a shining eye is actually just a weed bending in front of the stone. I am working on my next book, Animated Stills, for 2018. This will be one of them. I blended in the Story of the Watchers and Goliath. Besides the Book of Enoch, the Watchers are mentioned in the Bible in the story of Noah. Many ancient cultures mention the giants that once existed.

This poem is a Symmetrina.
The Symmetrina was created by Fanstorian Pantygynt. I discovered it while reviewing his poem, Polhena Beach, Sri Lanka, 0600. It is called a Symmetrina because it presents a symmetrical shape and rhyme scheme over each stanza: The rhyme scheme for each is:
The rhythm is iambic throughout. It is structured in Quintets, which are stanzas with 5 lines. The first and last lines are Alexandrine Hexameters (12 syllables), the second and fourth pentameters (10 syllables) and the third is a tetrameter (8 syllables). So the meter becomes: 12,10,8,10,12.
Note how the rhyme scheme rises (a,b,c), then falls, while the meter falls (12,10,8), then rises.
No limit to the number of stanzas.

For this poem I modified the rhyme scheme a bit. I used the middle unrhymed line "c" in the middle of the stanza as an interlinked, repeating line in every stanza. I also used the "c" line as the closing envoy to give a somewhat unique overall rhyme scheme that looks like this:
abCba - deCed - fgCgf - hiCih - C.

This picture was taken by the author himself in June 2016.


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