- What is the Dream of Life?by Niyuta
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Reflections on what one's life is?
Random Reflections.
: What is the Dream of Life? by Niyuta

"Life is not an empty dream;"
A famous poet wrote this theme.
Pillar to post, I ran, since I began to think;
To find out, what did the poet mean?
It mattered not, how many years rolled,
I never gave up the quest, to find out.
Is my life really an empty dream?
Or, somewhere ahead in my future,
A Shangri-La exist that I am yet to visit.
Is this a fantasy, where dreams come true?
A dream, be it of a face, once was part of life;
Now have only longings, to see, if it rekindles love.
Or, is it different, that seeks power and fame?
In human life, vagaries of fate-all unknown;
The up and down turns life has taken are known.
If came in this world, then everyone must exit,
Empty or full, no one will ever measure until the end.
Life is an empty dream or not, who can tell?
Only the departing soul will know the truth,
Where it all began, and where it has ended.

Author Notes
The poet reflects at his life when he is playing the ninth inning of his life and wonders what his life will be seen when the game is over. Has it been an empty dream or something else.


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