- Watch and Aussie
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Faith is all you need.
Watch and Pray. by Aussie
Faith Poetry Contest contest entry

Whilst you were sleeping
Angels stood beside you
When you were waking
They took your hands.

So long ago His follower's
Had little faith, were afraid
Jesus walked on water
The nets were full of fish.

"Oh, ye of little faith," Jesus said
Today, we look to Him who loves us
You can see His handiwork, His love
Faith brings peace and harmony.

The world today is full of filth
Still, He calls to us to listen
Heals our broken hearts
Sends His angels to minister.

Faith is the evidence of things
Not yet seen; be still, He says
Know that He is God
Your faith will bring you through.

Take the time, touch the morning
Watch the bird on the wing
Sunrise, sunset, Master Painter
My faith; my Lord God always.


Author Notes
Contest entry: without faith, it is impossible to please god. We live in torrid times and yet, we know our faith (whatever it may be) will bring us to the light. Thanks for reading.


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