Another night of loneliness
Belongs to yesterday.
Calming floods of peacefulness
Decide the course. They'll sway,
Encouraging the fastest road,
For darkness might be loose,
Gorging on the borrowed
Hearts Satan has seduced.
Include me on the road that's safe,
Just make the journey quick.
Keep Your effervescent
Light advancing, do not quit.
Make sure the torment
Nagging me journeys down that
Other course, you know, a descent
Path that hurries them to hell.
Quiet, hear that sound
Rustling in the leaves?
Something must be on the ground
Taunting me. I must retreat.
Upward. Maybe I should jump,
View from in the trees.
What's that you say?
You've got to be kidding me!
Zero tolerance! No fear of strangers.
Aha, I think I'm done.
Best be, looks like those roads
Converge over there!
Darn, all this for nothing.
Author Notes
Okay I got a bit carried away. No set rhyme or meter, just having some fun with a form.