- Bloodby Dawn Munro
This work has reached the exceptional level
Mystery & Crime - 200 wds (Noir)
Blood by Dawn Munro

I can see his silhouette in the window, backlit behind the drapes. He's waiting for me to arrive. I wonder how many times he's lifted a corner of that curtain, peering out to see who is with me, the single, dim lamp behind him the only light he's left on. He thinks he's not visible from the street with the room in shadow.

But I know he's waiting, I know he watched me arrive at the motel earlier, and I know he plans to kill me and whoever is with me.

I told the man with me to go home; that tonight wasn't a good one. I don't love this man; I love my husband, still. So I'll let him shoot me. My life doesn't matter anymore. Hasn't for a while now.

But somebody should live to see him prosecuted. After all, more than a decade of neglect is enough reason for any wife to cheat, but I can't let him kill someone so close to him. I can't let him know I chose his brother because it was the closest I could get to him, either, or that it was only one time.

Once is enough when it's blood.



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