People often realize
that treasures abound
when autumn leaves change,
to blanket the ground,
and treetops exchange
colored arrayment
within the garden of paradise,
to their amazement.
While bedazzling any eyes,
the crisp autumn air
reveals to the nose
pine scents everywhere.
The gentle breeze blows
along wooded trails
within the garden of paradise.
Such lovely details.
You may find it a surprise,
the price and the cost,
but when God once took
what Adam had lost,
He grants yearly look,
so that we may roam
within the garden of paradise,
that once was our home.
Author Notes
Fall is a beautiful time of the year. The earth puts on a display of colorful arrayment. Ever wonder why the season is so short? This thought came to me. It is a reminder from God of that beautiful Garden we had, but lost, when Adam and Eve disobeyed. So now, once a year, He gives us a short glimpse of what it must have been like.
This poem is a LyriCat Poem, but modified.
The LyriCat is a form created by I Am Cat, a fellow Fanstorian. it is arranged in a minimum of 3 Octaves (8 lines) with a fixed syllable count of:
It also has a fixed rhyme scheme of:
where F is a line that is repeated in every Stanza,
In this poem I modified the rhyme scheme to:
where A becomes the repeated line and it rhymes with line 1. Also in the original Lyricat, the third and fifth lines don't rhyme , but in mine they rhyme with each other. So in this poem there are no lines that don't rhyme somewhere. I wanted to see how that works out.
This photograph was taken by the author on October 16, 2014.