In deep mind logic not understanding to know, got sand placed upon to band me the attacks, plotted evil lies threat the sick intent that land.
Statement faithful not to question said words, folding this innocence pull a string web cords, displays decree lords cursing you given hate.
Workman dollars low made a buy trade blow, ruling by invisible law a hollow, got below of the hand that writes its stated thought by a bill.
I am back-stabbed by its held bin corruptions, by the Ripper rip harm grin draining red blood, given killer name isn't gin not solely it is Sam.
I do love you my baby not to live without you, said this dove to mate agreed this union only, above her there to say me a second husband.
Dream as successful it all seen a lie, in a glass I'm shiny to merely die, scattered left no hope haven not a slice of pie pondering its why view.
Rights all for services I to fight sided this war, combat it not by them by law structured a bar, wonder how far I have not yet to be fully free?
Promise this fact being high it potential, react God ends all promises upon us, given a truth pact it's resurrection of ground everlasting hell.
Author Notes
Moments to be a part wait act of endurance, but simply left out due the trusted statement, unfolded never a fact. A pal states a promise.