is here
where flowers bloom.
like this
season a lot.
air is
filled with perfume.
colors fill
each flower pot.
Author Notes
Happy May Everybody!
I love the month of May, when the leaves finally sprout and the flowers come into bloom. It is such a lovely time of year. I thought this image helps to visualize it all.
This poem is a Hay(na)ku.
The Hay(na)ku) was created by the poet Eileen Tabios. It is a variant on the Haiku, but instead of keying off of syllable count, it focuses on a simpler word count. A Hay(na)ku consists of a three-line stanza, where the first line has one word, the second line has two words, and the third line has three words. You can write just one, or chain several together into a longer poem of several stanzas. However, each stanza must be able to stand on its own.
So, this poem is actually 4 Hay(na)kus, plus I rhymed them to each other in an abab scheme. Not required.
This photograph was taken by the author himself. This flower pot was in front of a Barnes and Noble store.