Author Notes
Just having a little more fun with words and trying out another Calligram. Hopefully you can tell that this is a Biplane. Again, the real poem is the picture that was created in another media. I just threw in that little ditty underneath so I'd have something to put in the poem input section.
This poem is a Calligram.
A Calligram is a poem, phrase, or word in which the typeface, calligraphy or handwriting is arranged in a way that creates a visual image. The image created by the words expresses visually what the word, or words, say. In a poem, it manifests visually the theme presented by the text of the poem. Guillaume Apollinaire was a famous calligram writer and author of a book of poems called Calligrammes. His poem written in the form of the Eiffel Tower is an example of a calligram.
The image was created by the author using a WordArt program and Powerpoint. I had to use Powerpoint because I couldn't get it to work in the Word Program, I then saved it as a JPG.