I did, did I
a Toyota
now I won
Author Notes
Sometimes you get luck. No, I didn't.
This poem is a Palindrome.
A Palindrome is a word (or sentence) that reads the same backwards as forward. So the word "Madam" is a palindrome.
For a palindrome poem you incorporate it into your poem but do so with either sentences or words. when done as a word Palindrome, each line reads the same spelled backwards or forward (although going backwards you might have to rearrange the punctuation or spacing a bit in your mind). However, in a sentence Palindrome, entire words in the poem are readable forwards or backwards.
Simple Example of a sentence Palindrome poem.
Life Is Good
Good Is Life
For this poem I'm doing the word version.
I took this random photograph in Las Vegas on March 21, 2013 at the Venetian.