I'm a fool. Aloof am I
Evil did I dwell, lewd I did live.
Author Notes
OK, I don't think all apartment dwellers are evil, but some are. This is just a poem.
This poem is a Palindrome.
A Palindrome is a word (or sentence) that reads the same backwards as forward. So the word "Madam" is a palindrome.
For a palindrome poem you incorporate it into your poem but do so with either sentences or words. when done as a word Palindrome, each line reads the same spelled backwards or forward (although going backwards you might have to rearrange the punctuation or spacing a bit in your mind). However, in a sentence Palindrome, entire words in the poem are readable forwards or backwards.
Simple Example of a sentence Palindrome poem.
Life Is Good
Good Is Life
for this poem I'm doing the word version.
This photograph was taken by the Author himself at an apartment complex in the Lower Landing area of Downtown St. Paul on September 22, 2011.