Released to freedom's flight,
A wounded warrior finds his way.
Once a hopeless plight,
Now to this propitious day.
(As I looked on in awe.)
Ruptured Raptor's wings,
Given some healthful human help,
Beat its broken things,
To heal as fast as Brigid's whelp.
(Thanks to those who cared.)
Now, with crowds galore,
An injured eagle takes to wing.
He's ready to soar,
As from his handler's hands he'll fling.
(And I was there to see him.)
Author Notes
The Raptor Center of Minnesota takes in injured birds, heals them, and releases them again, once they have recovered. They do releases about twice a year. I attended one this fall, held along the St. Croix River bluffs near Hastings, Minnesota. I took a series of photos and then created this montage of one of the releases. This released juvenile eagle flew nearly over my head. You can see that it is still missing some of its wing feathers. It was an exciting day!
Whelp - offspring
Brigid - an Irish legendary figure known for healing. When her son was killed in battle, her tears wept over him, revived him.
This poem is a Bracket Poem.
I was introduced to Bracket poems by Ritchie, 9999pool, of FanStory. He challenged me to write one. Here were the rules:
TAB_that's me, another Fanstorian, created this style poetic format called the Bracket Poem in 2013. The stanzas can be in any format or style, but the important requirement is that each must have a comment, a statement, a question or even a philosophy or a thought (in bracket) at the end of the stanza. Hence the name 'Bracket' poem. This form allows the poet to expand on the verse to give credence and more meaning to the each verse. It's almost like an "aside" in a play.
For this poem, I chose to create abab rhymed quatrains with an 5,8,5,8 meter, then add the bracket statements.
These photographs were taken by the author on September 27, 2014 with his Sony Alpha camera on high speed setting.