- Even Bullies Need Loveby michaelcahill
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100 Yard Dash-First Kiss
Even Bullies Need Love by michaelcahill
100 Word Dash writing prompt entry

"This be the last day ya bully us, Rufus Stucko!"
"Ya'll gonna be sorry fer dis. Dis yer doom. Yous cain't stay tagether firevers."
"Shut up, we've got someone for ya to meet. Tuffy?"
A large girl with a ginormous buttocks sauntered forward.
"This is Tuffy Brasoon. You're 'bout to get your first kiss."
Tuffy turned around. Several boys lifted up her skirt. There was enough material to fashion a tent for a decent sized revival meeting.
"Pucker up, Rufus."
"But… she… taint wearin' no unerpants!"
"Aww, your first kiss, Rufus. Say

#Butt breath. #Former bully.
#First Kiss


Writing Prompt
Topic: A first kiss between strangers.

Let's take flash fiction to the extreme. Can you tell a complete story with just 100 words. If so this is your opportunity to shine.


Author Notes
Word count: 100
Pretty romantic, huh?


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