- My Shepherdby w.j.debi
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a rispetto
: My Shepherd by w.j.debi

My Shepherd called, "Come, follow me."
I wandered off and fell behind.
With no one near to hear my plea,
the world seemed vast and so unkind.

Alone and lost as I could be,
He left the ninety-nine ... for me.
To find. To save. He loves me so.
My Shepherd calls and now I go.


Author Notes
Trying new forms. My first rispetto

The rispetto is a classic Italian form that is written in iambic tetrameter. It is made of two stanzas of four lines each. The rhyme scheme is abab in the first stanza and changes to ccdd rhyming in the second stanza.

In the parable of the Good Shepherd, the shepherd has 100 sheep. Ninety-nine of them follow when he calls, but one gets lost. He leaves the 99 to go in search of the one that is missing and bring it back to the fold,

Thank you to Imagine Life for the loan of the artwork "Shepherd's View"


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