New Dawn
(A Whitney Poem)
As morning breaks,
New sunrise,
To wings flock takes.
Foggy skies,
That reality implies.
Greet the day
As the birds do,
Lifted up
In morning dew.
Every way,
Just drink a cup
Of this new dawn for you.
Author Notes
Swallows greet the dawn as the sun burns through the fog. It awakens the soul. I was camping in southwestern Minnesota and had my morning cup of coffee with this sight.
This poem is a Whitney
The Whitney poem format was created by Betty Ann Whitney. This is a seven-line versed poem based on Japanese patterns
with a fixed syllable format that contains 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 7 syllables respectively.
No rhyme scheme is required, but may be incorporated if desired.
I added an Amen.
This photograph was taken by the author himself.