- Farewellby Dawn of Tomorrow
This work has reached the exceptional level
The end of depression
Farewell by Dawn of Tomorrow

Farewell despair, I bid you, flee,
My grim, destructive enemy.
For love looks on with out-stretched hand
Awaiting my defensive stand;
     Depression, drown in calm's deep sea!

O Light, shine bright, I reach for thee
From this cold world of misery.
I'll follow to the healing land.
     Farewell despair.

I see the fruit-filled living tree
And taste the gift - serenity.
Now I've escaped from hate's command;
I feel the roots of peace expand.
Instilled with hope, my spirit's free.
     Farewell despair. Farewell.



Author Notes
This form is called a Rondeau. As it is used in modern English, the rondeau is a poem of 15 lines of eight or ten syllables arranged in three stanzas, the first stanza is five lines (quintet), the second four lines (quatrain), and the final stanza six lines (sestet). The first part of the first line becomes the rondeau's rentrement (refrain) when it is repeated as the last line of each of the two succeeding stanzas.


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