- The Rideby Treischel
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An Eleven77 Poem
Commentary and Philosophy
: The Ride by Treischel

The Ride
(An Eleven 77 Poem)

Sometimes you may
feel like going for
a ride

To break away
from an emptiness

From the bottom
there's a sudden urge
to climb

And find the heights
that evade you most
the time

With click and clack
you get pulled up to
the top

Then take a breath
as so swiftly comes
the drop

It's way too quick
when life takes you for
a ride

Author Notes
Life is short. The climb is steep. The ups and downs can be precipitous. The highs are often short.

This poem is an Eleven77.
An Eleven77 is a poem form created by an Australian Fanstorian poet: GarthL
It consists of seven stanzas each with a specific syllable count of 4, 5, 2. Last word of each two (2) successive stanzas to rhyme. Finally, the last word of the last stanza to rhyme with, or repeat, the last word of the first stanza.
Each stanza thereby has 11 syllables across 7 stanzas equaling to 77 syllables in total, hence an Eleven77.

This picture was taken by the author at The Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota, in July 2012


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