- Worldly Rhythmsby Treischel
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A Compound Sonnet
Commentary and Philosophy
: Worldly Rhythms by Treischel

Worldly Rhythms
(Compound Sonnet)

In dark of night, so brightly shines the moon.
Its lovely glow invites a lonely tune,
A Harvest Moon song, full of yearning soul
That echoes through this night as black as coal,
As haunting as the calling of the Loon
While pleading for its mate from lost lagoon.
The moonbeams shed their light upon the shoal
As waves of water softly splash and roll.

In daylight now, so brightly shines the sun,
That spreads its warming heat on everyone
To bring another sunshine blessed day,
A true delightful time in every way,
Where children will so freely find their fun,
And people go 'round getting projects done.
But whether daylight brings up work or play,
The hours pass along without delay.

In dark again, so brightly shine the stars
That twinkle light upon this world of ours,
To sparkle their soft glow in lover's eyes,
Entwined so tightly to entice soft sighs,
While parked at Lover's Lane in motor cars,
In conjunction with Jupiter and Mars.
When stardust's magic formula applies,
There are no mood restraining alibi's.

Celestial forces drive this lovely world.
While daily senses get all pushed and twirled,
Our planet from the East to West gets whirled,
As lives are lived when rhythms are unfurled.


Author Notes
Day and night are functions of the cosmos that push and pull on us and our world.
This poem was inspired by Gungalo's Compound Poem, I'll Be There.

This poem is a Compound Sonnet.
A Compound Sonnet is basically a Sonnet with every thing doubled or compounded. Compound sonnet: 28 lines of iambic pentameter composed of three octaves and a concluding quatrain. Rhyme pattern is: aabbaabb for the first octave, ccddccdd for the second, eeffeeff for the third and gggg.

This is a photograph of the moon taken by the author.


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