- They Grow Up!by Treischel
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A Mike's Touch Poem
Commentary and Philosophy
: They Grow Up! by Treischel

They Grow Up
(A Mike's Touch Poem)

Teach your children well,
They grow up!
Learn to read and spell,
At a gallop!

When you give your time,
It's sublime!
Lessons shared so well,
They will worship.

You become mentor,
Their center.
They will sit a spell,
Without hiccup.

Teach them how to fish.
Grant their wish!
They will soon excel.
Fill up their cup!

In their hearts you'll dwell!
They grow up!
Fond mem'ries compell,
Let them build up.

Teach your children well,
They grow up!
Too soon it's farewell,
At a gallop!


Author Notes
It is very important to share your time with your children. They grow so fast.

This poem format is called a Mike's Touch. I learned it from Gungalo, who says it was created in 2009. The quatrains have a fixed format of 5/3/5/4. The key is that lines 3 and 4's rhyme must repeat in every stanza. There is no limit on the number of stanzas. The first two lines can either be free verse or rhymed. They can vary.
For this poem, I chose a rhyme scheme of: abab ccab ddab eeab abab abab.

I took this picture of a man teaching his boys how to fish, in silhouette, at Sheteck State Park of Southwestern Minnesota, in August 2012.


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