- See You!by Jaq Cee
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I could...
My Life in words
: See You! by Jaq Cee

I did see through
that smooth veneer
I always knew
this day was near

my perception
was always right
I chose to ignore
this foresight

seduced by words
with intellect
beguiled by verse
so circumspect

I know my failings--
but do you
you took my heart
and pierced it through

a promise of great
things to come
empty dead words
every one.

my life's been hard
but I don't whine
horrors in childhood
didn't define

chose to live
and I survived
but could have ceded--

now I am strong
and understand
my life worth more
which I demand

Author Notes
Very minimal punctuation intended for flow and effect.

Picture Google images as always.


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