- Indie-structably Strong. by Jaq Cee
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
She's... (Free- style fun write for my mate)
My Life in words
: Indie-structably Strong. by Jaq Cee

Indie-street we hear the beat
of warning drums
Indie-halls we feel vibrations
from uniform footfalls
Indie-town we gather round
to carry high the banners of
free speech
Sometimes we have to
choose a side
because the fence indeed
will our ass
prick with splinters
it is to show our
when bigotry raises up it's
ugly head
let's get behind our Indie-lightful
show her we agree with all
she's done
because Indie-end it's
all that we have

Author Notes
This is just for fun and to make Indie smile :).

No corrections necessary thanks. Picture from Google Images.


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