- Meehal by Jaq Cee
This work has reached the exceptional level
For my friend Rondeno...
My Life in words
: Meehal by Jaq Cee

A bon-vivant, a raconteur
with words beyond compare.
His storytelling genius
just has that special flare.

Quiet, deep intelligence
flows straight from tip of pen-
he's even known for humour writes
every now and again.

'Wordsmith' is the perfect name,
and I don't use it lightly;
he's earned it with each clever piece
that he produces nightly.

He flits from the historical
to poems that melt the heart;
he is a lover and a 'flurt'--
he's shown that from the start.

"Who is this Wunderkind?"
I hear you ask of me.
It's my Irish friend, Meehal,
who writes so eloquently.

Reach out for those stars, chara,
the sky for you's no limit;
your work will shine for evermore--
don't let the doubters dim it.


Author Notes
'flurt' is the way I pronounce flirt in my Scottish accent. 'chara' is friend in Irish Gaelic, 'Meehal' is Michael in Irish also.

Just a fun write for an exceptional writer and friend.


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