- The Best Way To Sufferby Raoul D'Harmental
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Tells of my experiences whilst suffering an illness...
The Best Way To Suffer by Raoul D'Harmental
Lonely Poem writing prompt entry

Displeasing it is to suffer silent,
Dreadful it is to suffer alone,
Distressing it is to suffer in places different,
Depressing it is to suffer unknown.

Suffering is best done in familiar places,
Amongst a group of familiar faces,
Of friends who permit you to vent your pain,
As loud and lengthy as your lungs give free rein!

Writing Prompt
Write a free verse poem to express the state of loneliness in not more than 15 lines.

Author Notes
This is a poem I wrote whilst undergoing the agonies of an illness about a year ago. Hope you don't find my experiences too harrowing!


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