- Where I used to Jaq Cee
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Now I see...
My Life in words
: Where I used to be. by Jaq Cee

As I flit between my 'used to be'

and glide into where 'I see me'

those two places differ greatly,

like a tent and home so stately.

In 'used to be' I felt so small

I never seemed to climb that wall.

As I step into where 'I see me'

I know that's where I want to be.

My 'used to be' was where I crawled

uninspired, unenthralled,

but'I see me' is far superior

no more downtrodden, nor inferior.

'Used to be' had hurt and spite

only darkness no sign of light.

'I see me' is a wonderful book

with many pages, I've yet to look.

I flit and glide from one to other

'used to be'- my dreams did smother.

My days will end in where 'I see me'

happy, contented, unyielding, free.

Author Notes
Picture from Google images.


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