- Cradle to the Graveby Jaq Cee
This work has reached the exceptional level
Our life is mapped out from...
My Life in words
: Cradle to the Grave by Jaq Cee

from cradle to grave
our life's mapped out
the path isn't always clear
I need to take some
solitary time
with my thoughts
and my fears

I know what I need
and who I want
to accompany me
on my
yet still it feels
outwith my reach
so far from my touch
it scares me

this time of my life
I thought would be
settled or that at least
I'd know
where I'm going

but sadly this isn't

in God's great plan
I must appear
like a small fish
in a great sea
All I want is to
shed some light
from worries please
set me free

Author Notes
Free verse - with scant punctuation.

Picture from Google Images.


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