- The Battle Wonby Treischel
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Jesus Battles Satan (Rhyming Couplets)
Commentary and Philosophy
: The Battle Won by Treischel

The Battle Won

Jesus is in the tomb today.
At least that's where the body lay.

His soul has traveled down to Hell
To greet the Dark One in his well,

And loose the bonds of tortured souls
That have for eons shared these shoals.

He's forced Satan to open gates
For those deserving better fates.

Jesus greets Adam, the first man,
Captured there since time began.

Released upwards like flocking birds,
Savor freedom at Jesus words.

Through sacrifice, as God had planned
The righteous are no longer damned.

Author Notes
A Glorious day for God's plan, as we grieve the body in the tomb.

Six sets of rhyming couplets. Syllable count 8.

Artwork via Yahoo Images


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