- Sunshine rays on Prozac days. by Jaq Cee
This work has reached the exceptional level
Do meds really help?
My Life in words
: Sunshine rays on Prozac days. by Jaq Cee

Chemical imbalance, so they say,
'Bottled Sunshine' on the way.

"Take these pills" the doctor said,
"for just now you're off your head".

How about trying to help me cope?,
"without meds? You've not a hope".

All too quickly 'they' fill the script
bloody hell, I think I've flipped!

"Why don't you try the alternative?"
Nature's garden has much to give.

Zombied out from day to day
no joy in viewing world this way.

The change is quick - from sick to placid
yet leaves a taste of bitter passive.

Staring coldly from dead eyes
'they' say it helps, I say it's lies.

This bottled sunshine chemical ray
to guide me through each dreaded day.

but no longer will I take what's given:
a doctor's cure, money driven.


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