- Turn to me. (Free verse)by Jaq Cee
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My Life in words
: Turn to me. (Free verse) by Jaq Cee

A cut, a scratch, another wound
to show that you're alive

a knife, a needle, something else
to make your blood run free

To ease your worries, salve your fears
you harm your very soul

your body pays the hefty price
to clear your troubled mind

How has it come to this
my dear and tortured girl

that the only way to feel alive
is to scar yourself for life?

You try to hide the risen marks
that desecrate your body

I've seen them all and wept aloud
for the person that was you

Not everyone leaves you behind
to struggle on alone

I'm here watching, saddened so much--
come I'll hold you up

Turn to me, let me help
to ease the internal torment

I'm here for you-- just turn around
my arms are open... waiting


Author Notes
Written after hearing my niece was self-harming.

Picture courtesy of Google Images. Lack of punctuation intended.


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