- Nature's Revengeby Jaq Cee
This work has reached the exceptional level
...for our blatant negligence.
My Life in words
: Nature's Revenge by Jaq Cee

Cyclonic winds and tortuous Tsunamis
mighty ice-caps that melt away
excessive heat from irate sun
burning forests and homes each day

Now's the time we're facing payback
for the sins of humankind
global warming's taking over
robbing Mother Nature blind

Rain forests raped and bared for money
animals killed and thrown aside
Even people who used it's shelter
homeless now, no place to reside

Greedy corporate fat cats profit
from the abject misery
caused by theft and exploitation
of the world's great scenery

We have to stop this devastation
let's be heard, stand up tall
help the earth regain its beauty--
eco-warriors one and all


Author Notes
Inspired by this video sent to me by Rama Devi.

Picture from Google images.


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