- New Loveby Jaq Cee
This work has reached the exceptional level
How I hope it will be...
My Life in words
: New Love by Jaq Cee

The room was dark the music loud,
t'was then I spotted you.
Standing straight and Oh so proud,
nothing could spoil the view.

I felt my heart beat like a drum,
excitement followed soon.
It was a story just begun,
I wanted you... and soon.

A current flowed from eye to eye,
we both soaked up the sight.
My pulse was beating wild and free,
I knew this was our right.

I saw inside, my mind was clear,
this has been worth the wait.
To grab love now, to have no fear,
my ardour now to sate.

Come to me now, my conqueror,
take me, touch me, feel me.
I want to take this night further,
our passion's there to see.

I have waited so patiently,
felt like a thousand years.
Now you have come so perfectly,
to salve my hopeless fears.


Author Notes
Picture from Google images. British spelling of 'ardour'.

Song my daughter and son-in-law walked down the aisle to recently.


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