- Euphoric Tormentby Ronni
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
Captivated by playful whispers
Euphoric Torment by Ronni

There are two dynamic occurrences
one cannot debate away or alter its
course. Chance or destiny. Two
mystical and mysterious events that
may be as real as unreal. As lucidly
vivid as it is illusionary. Neither
merely a dream nor unreality. A
time lapse between now or sometime,
where the senses are beguiled and
bewildered beyond proportions of
control or awareness.

"So, where are you dear Lord
of Ecstasy? Where have you gone,
and what now shall become of me?
You, who tempted me into your court
of Romance, Fantasy and Wanderlust?
Summoned to you from my hearts
irrepressible yearnings. Smitten
by your delicate yet inescapeable
touch, like a feather gliding on
the senses prodding out sensual
sensations. Thereafter, so assured
I cannot stay away, and truly I
could not.

Rapturously captivated, surrounded
by persistent whispers between the
molten desires you wish to commend
as yours and yours alone. Gentle
Caresses that sink in through your
beckoning eyes. daring me in closer
and closer. Tormenting embraces that
pulsates the heart to sheer dizziness.

My feet turn to clay, I cannot speak
nor move, though I know I should flee away.
No, I cannot flee, but perhaps I can just pause
and catch my breath. Just linger, and not resist,
just pause, pause and perhaps you, as eerily as
and mysteriously as you came, I will suddenly open
my eyes, and you will have fled away. So I wish..
so I wish it will be. Can you hear my silent
tormenting pleas my Lord of Ecstasy? Have you
no mercy or must conquest your only choice be?

Where is this place I am in? Is this your secret
Castle or verboten love sanctuary? 'Tis so quiet
so deathly quiet here. All I hear is the thumping
of your ascending heartbeat and sighs of passions
that has me slipping from gravity, yet a relentless,
tremulous euphoria I am as helpless as if drunk
with some exotic potion, unmoveable, stranded in an
uncontested lovers prison. A love slave, so dazzeled
and bedeviled in pleasures unsought, yet too delirious
to deter away. Oh, what insipid nectars have I kissed
from your lips that I linger still in abandon and
supplication to your wishes and desire?

My Lord , when, where, how shall I ever from you
be free? Where can I now go or do that you won't
be a phantom shadow forever pursuing, yearning for
me, even if per chance I ever found a way to flee?
Are you really real, or just an irrepressible fantasy
that has enveloped me? Could I ever forget you, or
all these raptured wanderlusts you have prevailed
upon me? Would I even ever want to or need to?

Chance comes unbidden, its flight and beckon
only opens for mere moments, not always can choices
be made before that opening closes. Deistiny hovers...
amidst time and space, and finds or favors those
sentient souls or lovers that neither doubt it nor
try to create their own before due time.


Author Notes
To: "Sir Michael"....
I will
My aplogies if this seems in wrong category ...I thought
it was a bit too long for a poem. Also, I failed to
key in the lock key for non-releaxe before going back
to re edit, I assumed it was in lock in state not yet
for oepen review. This is a new venture and genre for
me and learning indeed, and I thank all those who have
fairly and candidly reviewed this with patience and
helpful critiques for improvement..and their ratings.
Learning is by doing...and I am grateful to all for that
experience and thoughtfulness shown me.


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