- Trouble - Flight Frightby Dawn Munro
This work has reached the exceptional level
These are REVIVED chapters - the reviews are old ones. :)
Trouble - Flight Fright by Dawn Munro

I will be combining chapters 13 & 14 because the system, for some unknown reason, refused to recognize some chapters as "revived" and as a result, was disorganizing the whole book. I was told by management the only way to fix the problem was to disable those chapters the system was seeing as "new" postings - they weren't, and I paid to post each one, but I had no recourse. To continue to post, I had to disable those chapters, which is discouraging/confusing to anyone trying to follow the story. Most of these are not chapters alone in the book anyway, as they are too short - they are combined. Thank you for reading, and for your patience.

She had no business doing it, and she knew she would pay for it somehow, but when we left Dawn, she had called upon her inner strength and summoned the power to see her future and David's as best she could. While her vision was anything but good, one good thing came out of it--David made himself known to her...

Chapter 13
Fright Flight

The smell of jet fuel is making me sick. I feel my heart thumping in my chest and my hands are clammy in spite of the crisp, cool air. Oh God, I haven't been on a plane since that last terrifying flight back from the islands almost ten years ago. The ride was so bumpy for the whole trip I could feel the tension in the other passengers as if they were a part of my own body. The whole plane load of passengers applauded almost hysterically when we finally touched down.

Can I really do this? The answer comes to me immediately. How can I not? My heart is already down there with him, and I feel his spirit hanging on, waiting for me.

But I have tempted fate. My ancestors are turning over in their graves. It might seem strange, but somehow I sense that if I can reach David's side, he will know that I am there, he will awaken from his coma and all will be right with the world again. We will be free to begin the new phase in this relationship, no longer online and on the telephone, but in person--real, tangible, and touchable..

Oh shit! The engines are winding up for takeoff. Here we go! I'm gripping the armrest so tightly my hands are tingling. I try to force myself to relax, to take deep breaths, but then I make the mistake of thinking about what is happening outside the insular interior of this jetliner: we are climbing hundreds of feet per second. My stomach drops to my feet and I quickly force my mind in a different direction. I was about to toss the sparse breakfast I'd had in the airport coffee shop.

"Are you alright, lady?" The young man beside me is looking at me with concern, his features squeezed into a worried frown. I almost giggle then because I imagine he's probably worried I'll throw up all over his neatly pressed lap.

"Fine, I'm fine, thank you," I manage to blurt past my clenched jaw. The thought of throwing up on him has made me nauseous again.

Get a grip! "I'm just a little nervous about flying, that's all," I apologize. Talk about an understatement.

"Yeah, I could tell. Don't worry, I fly all the time. You are safer in a plane than you are in a car these days."

I want to remind him of union workers and plane repairs, of computer failures and highjackers, but I don't. Because all of that leads right to the big issue: control. It's not me flying this plane. What if the captain isn't as safety conscious as I am?

I've always been a control freak. I'm a horrible passenger. 'Back seat driver' doesn't come close to describing me when I have to relinquish control. I'd drive anybody nuts. If I could, I'd take over this plane in a heartbeat because I don't believe anyone else is as careful as I am, as observant or as fast to react.

Of course I have no idea how to fly a plane, so that might be a small problem.

We've levelling off now, and the screaming of the engines is reduced to a low hum. I'm still scared, but it's manageable. I'm free to think about where I am going, what I will find when I get there.

Oddly enough, I am feeling a sense of peace steal over me. I had no bad dreams after talking to Andrew, and somehow I just know David knows I'm coming.

I pray he hangs on...


There's mist all around me, a fog so thick I can barely see my hand in front of my face. I must have drifted off to sleep because I know this is a dream, and yet I can't imagine how, when I was so nervous.

A voice is calling my name, and I look down at my feet--I'm at the edge of a cliff, thousands of feet in the air, and I lose my balance. I almost plunge to my death, but just in time, an arm reaches out from the fog and grabs me.

"Miss, miss." The young man beside me is nudging me. "Wake up--you're having a bad dream."

Embarrassed, I gaze around me to see who else might have noticed. I'm bleary-eyed, like I was sleeping deeply.

"You were talking in your sleep, so I thought you'd want somebody to wake you up." The guy wasn't the least bit uncomfortable, which surprised me. A total stranger sleeping right beside you is a rather awkward situation at the best of times, but when she's talking in her sleep?

"What was I saying?" I mumble.

"I don't know, I couldn't catch much of it, but something about a car going over a cliff. And some guy named David? It didn't sound like a very nice dream, that's why I woke you up."

Icy cold shudders grip me. Oh God, something's wrong!

"Thank you, thanks a lot. Sorry about that," I murmur. I'm struggling with my seat belt. I need to get away for a minute, clear my head. I feel like my brain hasn't realized I'm awake yet, and a cold terror has seized my heart. The belt finally releases, and I lurch out of my seat.

"Hey, where are you going?" the kid asks, "We're going to land soon. You have to be in your seat."

As he finishes warning me, the seat belt light flashes on. I can't wait. I need the bathroom, and I need it now. This time breakfast is not going to stay down.


I'm back in my seat and I didn't lose my breakfast after all. But I still feel queasy, and this turbulence isn't making me feel any better. Apparently I'm lucky I wasn't ordered back sooner, or at least that's what Luke is telling me--that's his name. This young man with the neatly ironed trousers has decided I'm his mother or something, ever since he saved me from humiliation in my dream state.

What's with this rocking motion? Is the plane going to crash? Once again I have a vise-like grip on the armrests, and my hands are going numb. We seem to be descending very steeply, and even though I picked a seat over the wing because it's supposed to be the safest place on a plane, I don't think it will be of any great help if we are falling out of the sky from thirty thousand feet.


Chapter 14
CAT On A Plane

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We will be landing on Isla Mujeres in just a few minutes. You've probably noticed that we are experiencing a bit of turbulence--it's nothing to be alarmed about, but we've encountered a variation in temperature that is causing us to be bounced around a bit. Normally we follow the Jetstream to avoid this minor problem, but unfortunately there's a bit of a trough we have to fly through, so please keep your seat belts fastened and try not to worry. This trough will cause us to lose a bit of altitude rather quickly, but we'll be out of it shortly, and again, it's normal operating procedure to help us avoid any additional turbulence. Thank you."

Oh God, this is it--I'm never going to reach David--we're going down and I'm going to die! Am I ready? I'm not ready. Dear Father, forgive--

"Dawn, Dawn, it's okay, really. We're going to be fine. This happens all the time." I guess my seatmate can tell I'm about to go right past panic to 'let me out of this deathtrap!' Oh yeah, Luke? All the time huh? Then how come...oh shit, oh damn.

I am praying, and Luke doesn't look quite so cocky anymore. As a matter of fact, this major dive we're doing has him looking rather green.

Finally, then, we begin to level off, and the engines are powering up again.

I don't know if I'll sit over the wing again, ever. It's much noisier than elsewhere in the cabin, which is just about the worst thing you can do to me when I'm scared. I'm the only one I know who covers her ears at a horror movie.

Thank God, it's over. We're safe. I think.

What was that clunking sound? I look over at Luke and he gives me a weak grin. "The wheels," he says.

They're lowering the wheels for landing, and it seems I don't even have to talk anymore, Luke can read my mind, which is a good thing because I think my jaw is wired shut. I've been clenching it so hard, I can taste blood. I must have bitten my cheek, or maybe my tongue.

That's it. I'm never leaving Isla Mujeres. Not unless I can get a ship out.

"How are you? Are you okay?" Luke asks me.

He's so chivalrous. I want to adopt this kid. He can treat me like his mother forever, as long as he stays by my side until I get off this flying cigar tube.

A couple of gentle bounces and we're down, and for the second time in my life I am in a plane with a bunch of people who are clapping like they've just been granted a second lease on life.

I want off this ride immediately.

The hot, tropical air hits me in the face like a big, wet sponge as we deplane, but I don't care. I'm here, and even the wavering heat rising up from the tarmac to greet my sweat-soaked, linen suit can't dilute my delirious joy.

If I'd only known what was ahead, I might not have been quite as happy to be on that island.


The drive to the hospital was quick--Isla Mujeres is small. It was easy to get a cab, too. They were lined up outside the terminal like a variety of colorful beetles, the drivers smoking cigarettes and waiting to nab fares.
I'm grateful, and pleased that something is finally going smoothly. Now if only my beloved David would awaken from his deep sleep.

beeps and cold blips
his silent sterile solitude
my heart’s ice storm

Anxiety pounces like a panther. Drawn curtains surround his bed but I hear the machines. They breathe for him, they monitor him; they hold him as I cannot. Antiseptic scents assault my nose. Loneliness attacks my senses.
"Are you here? Do you know I am? Hear me. I exist outside this curtain.”
“My heart keeps time with yours. Die and I die with you. I love you with every beat of my heart. Feel me. Know my desire is need. I commit to your life. I climb into your mind where I will stay until you come back to me."

~ Coma ~
like the sleep of death
his coma washes darkness
through my frightened soul
His fear floods my senses. I send my thoughts like a prayer--
“Do you know I am with you, David? Please, hear me.
 I exist outside this curtain that surrounds you, this darkness that holds you inside it.
I am real. My heart keeps time with yours.
Feel it. If you die, I will die with you.
I am empath, and I am yours to take wherever you go."
I step towards his bed.
"Feel me. Know my need for you.
I commit to my life to yours."
I watch my hand draw away the curtain that separates us, and for the first time my eyes behold my beloved. He is as I pictured him. I empty all my heart's secrets into the words I whisper. I have no pride, nor shame. I offer my all--naked truth to this man. I tell him he will live for me. I tell him he must.

To Be Continued...


Author Notes
Someone was congratulating me on an earlier chapter for having received so many reviews, so I thought it prudent to point out that this book is REVIVED - the reviews you see are probably mostly old ones, prior to revisions. :)

CAT - stands for Clear Air Turbulence - a potentially dangerous situation as described within the captain's speech (although he downplays the danger, for obvious reasons).

Re: "Tell" - a haibun, which calls for fragmented sentences

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