- Teenage Jaq Cee
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
It's all about them :).
My Life in words
: Teenage Years. by Jaq Cee
Imagistic Haibun contest entry

Kitchen door slams!

"You don't understand me!"

Tantrums and diva strop - angry tears.

"What's the problem, son? Calm down, don't shout."

Teenage years, drama-filled, angst-ridden.
Misunderstood, always.

Clattering dishes! How many broken?

Novel way to 'do' them.
My temper rising. Trying hard not to blow.

"What don't I understand, son?"

"Everything about me. You're too old to know."

"I was a teenager once."

"See! You don't understand."

Eyes roll. I walk away.
Teenagers should come with a health warning.

storm blows high
in angry outbursts
teenage years


Author Notes
Thanks to Ray (Earl) for the pointers on my first Haibun. :)

Word count 94 - haiku 3-5-3

Thanks also to Google images for the picture.


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