- A Friend Jaq Cee
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For mruss1...
My Life in words
: A Friend Indeed. by Jaq Cee

A ray of hope through words glimmered,
Your soul, awesome, brightly shimmered.
What brought us together we'll never know,
now I'm here there's no rush to go.

You are a beacon of hope for me,
from a far off land oe'r the sea.
You're such a lovely, honest guy,
who makes me feel that I could fly.

I know we're new to being friends,
but I hope this oneness doesn't end.
You fill me with inspiration,
help me fulfill my ambition.

You make me smile each dawning day,
with the sweet words you have to say.
A friend such as you is a treasure,
to read your words is a pleasure.

So Mark I wanted you to know,
your poem today made me glow.
From inside out my smile so wide,
all thanks to you, my friend, my guide.

Friendships may form and fail to last,
it's been that way throughout our past.
This one, I feel, it will endure,
forever friends of that I'm sure.

Author Notes
Thank you to Google images for the picture.

Thank you to Mark for his unending friendship. It is a two way street my friend.


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