- You killed my Jaq Cee
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The love of a psychopath
My Life in words
: You killed my soul. by Jaq Cee
Sad Poems writing prompt entry

Sadness did engulf me,
the day I realised,
that what I'd chosen not to see,
were the lies that you'd disguised.

You drew me in so easily,
your smile told me you cared.
Blue eyes showed your love so freely,
more than I had ever dared.

Bit by bit your mask slipped,
your smile became a sneer,
that happiness, for once I'd gripped
was now to cost me dear.

Looking back I couldn't have known,
what vileness lurked within.
The only traits that you had shown,
were from a heart so loving.

I now know it was a facade,
to break down my free will.
But you're the one who should be sad,
your life is empty still.

Writing Prompt
Sadness has overcome us all at one time or another. Either caused by a relative or close friend's death or from the girl or guy that broke our heart or just life in general. We all handle situations differently, some good, some bad. This contest gives us the ability to explore this. Your poem can also play into other emotions that are common to writing like this such as anger or depression.

Author Notes
Thank you to Google images for the picture.

This was a catharsis, I am no longer in that place.


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