- Stumpedby Treischel
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Not always what they seem (Sonnet)
Animated Stills
: Stumped by Treischel
Sonnet Poetry Contest contest entry

Within dark Forest deep they blithely walked
Surrounded by beauty most fine. Divine!
Two Troubadours ambled along and talked
With mellow cheer, time passed, imbibing wine.

When soft stark silhouettes so clearly came
Just Lurking! Bent in low bush near the path.
The open maws and stance meant they're untame.
Would teeth unleash and wrend with fearsome wrath?

They stopped! They Looked! Uncertain of their plan.
Do alligators live in yonder park?
Brave fellows that they were, well-armed - they Ran!
Such terrors seem much worse there in the Dark.

Two Troubadours turned into craven chumps!
So Terrorized! Left Quaking! By some stumps!


Author Notes
What things can scare away the bravest, when we see but not perceive.

This stump is a photograph I took along the Bruce Vento Trail in St. Paul, Minnesota. Does it not look like a hungry Allegator? This is what I call an Animated Still.

Animated Still - Animated stills are poems where inanimate objects take on human, spirit, or animal forms, traits, or articles. They are derived from Photographs I have taken, that have moved me to write a poem associated with it


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